Windows 10 has many power saving options. Your power settings are poorly configured.You may also have a damaged USB port that needs to be replaced. It’s possible that you’ve plugged your keyboard into a USB port it’s not compatible with. If correct keyboard drivers are missing or outdated, your device may not work. Driver updates are needed to make sure your computer parts all function as intended, even if they aren’t natively supported by Microsoft. If you use a wireless keyboard, ensure that the battery is charged. Especially in the case of an USB keyboard, make sure to inspect both the body and the connecting cable for any signs of damage. Physical damage can cause issues when you're trying to use your keyboard. We were able to collect the most common causes reported by Windows 10 users and made a list that might have a cause that applies to you as well. You might be dealing with hardware issues, or something could simply be wrong on your system itself. There are multiple possible things that can cause trouble when it comes to your peripherals. Why is my keyboard not working in Windows 10? However, we’re here to help you restore your keyboard into working order with this guide. When your keyboard stops working, you’re essentially left to use your pc with a handicap. They even offer faster access to some features via keyboard commands. Keyboards are needed to do just about everything on PC or laptop, as they allow you to input information, communicate, and run commands. It’s easy to see how one of the worst things that can happen to a computer user is a keyboard issue.